Actionable Research

We need research to understand needs, identify possibilities and guide priorities and steps to help children and families thrive. Our team at Innovate Health conducts field-building research that informs, inspires and translates evidence into policy and practice. With strengths in quantitative and qualitative methods, we focus on child and family flourishing, thriving communities, and shaping child and family systems and policy across health care, education, and human services. Collectively, this work contributes to the Science of Thriving that encourages families, communities, and systems to better understand and support optimal child and family health.

Child, Family, and Community Thriving

Evidence to promote the positive

Shaping Child and Family Systems and Policy

Advancing relationship-centered systems of care

Child, Family, and Community Thriving

We measure what matters. Our research provides evidence to promote positive childhood experiences, family relational health, child and family healing and resilience, school readiness, and collective healing for thriving communities.

Access research for children, families, and communities

Shaping Child and Family Systems and Policy

Our actionable research integrates the science of thriving into the health care, education, and human services systems that directly impact the lives of children and families.

Discover research to shape systems