Partnering for Change

At Innovate Health, we take a highly collaborative and deeply relational approach to change complex, and often inequitable, systems of care, guided by stakeholder voices that are most directly impacted. We facilitate collective action and consult with leading child and family health experts, family organizations, national and state public health and health care systems, researchers, and communities to drive systems change. It is through engaged partnership that advancements in our collective well-being can truly be made.

Prioritizing Possibilities in Policy, Research, and Practice

Building the ecosystem to take flourishing to scale

Engagement-Based Roadmaps to Heal and Prevent Trauma

Fostering Flourishing through Collaborative Action

Prioritizing Possibilities in Policy, Research, and Practice

Research has uncovered unprecedented possibilities to advance improvements in child and family well-being by addressing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), promoting resilience, and fostering the social and emotional roots of healthy child development and lifelong health. Our National Prioritizing Possibilities Agenda synthesizes recommendations to address these issues in children’s health services.


Engagement-Based Roadmaps to Heal and Prevent Trauma

Fostering compassionate and healing interpersonal relationships is key to addressing individual and collective trauma. Our work to promote healthy engagement aims to build healing-centered, trauma-informed communities and systems.